gitlab / upgrade / ruby / bundle

gitlab / upgrade / ruby / bundle

  • Written by
    Walter Doekes
  • Published on

While we do Python VirtualEnv stuff every day, we rarely do Ruby environments.

And after the Ubuntu dist-upgrade, the Ruby dependencies for our GitLab were broken — as was expected. This happens for Python pip installed packages as well. They’re linked against older system libraries, which have been removed by the upgrade.

How to fix the Gitlab dependencies?

Browse through the upgrade docs to find a bundle install command.

# cd /home/git/gitlab
# sudo -u git -H bundle install \
    --without development test postgres --deployment  # for MySQL

That did… absolutely nothing — again, as was expected. We need some kind of force reinstall, like Python pip has; -I, --ignore-installed.

Alas, bundle help install reveals no way to bypass the “conservative updating”

Let’s do it the crude way then:

# mv /home/git/gitlab/vendor/bundle{,.old}
# sudo -u git -H bundle install \
    --without development test postgres --deployment  # for MySQL

Good, lots of updates. Now things work again.

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